Set up Funnel
In side navigation, click Activities.
In the Activities view, click
in the upper right corner.
Click Impact Modeler
A feature that projects expected revenue from marketing activities based on demand-generation goals. in the menu on the left side.
Set-up the default funnel:
If there is no stage that you can edit, click Add Stage.
In the Funnel Stage column, enter the stage's name.
Enter the conversion rate (percentage of inquiries that reach the next stage).
Enter the velocity (average number of days it takes a lead to progress from this stage to the next).
Repeat steps a to d for every stage you need. If you want to delete unnecessary stages, select the stage and then click Delete above the table.
If you want to change the order of the stages, drag-and-drop the rows to the correct order.
Set your conversion rate exceptions:
Open the Set your drill-down conversion rates section.
Select the attributes by which you drill-down to the activities that need a conversion rate exception. You must select at least a primary attribute to be able to define conversion rate exceptions. Secondary and tertiary attribute are optional.
Enter the adopted conversion rate for all exceptions. If a cell remains empty, the default conversion rate is used.
Set your velocity exceptions:
Open the Set your drill-down velocities section.
Select the attributes by which you drill-down to the activities that need a velocity exception. You must select at least a primary attribute to be able to define velocity exceptions. Secondary and tertiary attribute are optional.
Enter the adopted conversion rate for all exceptions. If a cell remains empty, the default velocity is used.
Set your deal size exceptions:
Open the Set your drill-down deal sizes section.
Select the attributes by which you drill-down to the activities that need a deal size exception. You must select at least a primary attribute to be able to define deal size exceptions. Secondary and tertiary attribute are optional.
Enter the adopted deal sizes for all exceptions. If a cell remains empty, the default deal size is used.
Click Save.
The settings for activity Any targeted action or measure taken by a company to promote its products or services, attract customers, or increase sales. configuration are displayed.
The Funnel A model that represents the theoretical customer journey towards the purchase of a product or service, often visualized as stages from awareness to purchase. Setup page is displayed.
You have set-up the funnel.